Sweet Violet

Viola odorata

Sweet Violet has been cultivated as a medicinal and decorative plant since antiquity. It’s famous mainly for its typical violet scent which is used for the production of perfume, An important source of nectar for woodland butterflies,Sweet violets are edible, and are often candied and used to decorate cakes. They can also be added to salads or used as a garnish

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Cyclamen coum

Cyclamen coum is a hardy species of cyclamen,has small flowers unlike hybrid varieties and will naturalise and self seed in garden .It works well with snowdrops and Helebores. They range from deep magenta-pink, through softer pinks to pure white 


We have a good selection of Salvia’s in stock at present .They are great garden plants ,suitable for Containers or Borders .They flower all Summer until late Autumn.Most are aromatic and Bees love them